Imported Hardwood Santa Maria
Latin Name: Calophyllum brasiliense
Family: Guttiferae - the Mangosteen family
Other Common Name(s): Acetite, Acetite Cachicamo, Acetite Maria, Balsamaria, Bari, Barillo, Bella Maria, Bintangor, Cachicamo, Calaba, Calaba Tree, Cedro De Patano, Ceite Mario, Edabalii, Edaballi, False-mamey, Galba, Guanandi, Jacareuba, Kurahara, Koerli, Lagarto-caspi, Leche De Mari, Oscuro, Varilla
Imported Hardwood
Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior and Exterior
Decks, Exterior Trim, Flooring, Furniture, Interior Trim, Millwork, Mouldings
Santa Maria grows in the West Indies, and from Mexico southward into northern South America. It grows in all types of soils from wet to dry, and can even be found on the coast where many trees cannot tolerate the saltwater spray.
General Description: The sapwood is pale color, and merges seamlessly with the heartwood where it can be difficult to differentiate it from the heartwood. The heartwood varies from yellowish-pink to a reddish-brown. The grain is usually heavily interlocked, with a fairly uniform medium texture.
Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):
Working Properties
Machining: Fair
Nailing: Good
Glueing: Excellent
Screwing: Good
Finishing: Good
Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 3.25
Specific Gravity: 0.51
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 10,300-14,370
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 1,550-1,820
Side Hardness (lbs): 1225
Additional Information
Pre-boring for nailing and screwing is recommended to prevent splitting.
Item Availability
Not currently in stock, but please contact us to inquire about availability.