Imported Hardwood Yellowheart (West Indian Satinwood)
Latin Name: Zanthoxylum flavum
Family: Rutaceae - the Rue of Citus family
Other Common Name(s): Aceitillo, Ayua, Bois Noyer, Bois Noyes, Espinillo, Jamaican Satinwood, Kalabarie, Noyer, Noyes, Prickley Ash, Satinwood, West Indian Satinwood, West Indies Satinwood, Yellow Sanders, Yellow Wood
Imported Hardwood
Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior Use Only
Cabinets, Interior Trim, Millwork, Mouldings, Turnings
Yellowheart is native to the Carribean Islands.
General Description: The sapwood closets to the bark is white, but gradually darkens as it blends into the heartwood. The heartwood is a creamy yellow, which darkens to a orangey-tan color. The grain is interlocked and irregular and can frequently have a ropey or mottled figure. The texture is fine and even. Has a mild coconut smell when being worked, but can cause rashes and respiratory issues in some people. Commonly called West Indian Satinwood.
Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):
Working Properties
Machining: Fair
Nailing: Fair
Glueing: Good
Screwing: Fair
Finishing: Good
Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 4.665
Specific Gravity: 0.73
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 16810
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 2413
Side Hardness (lbs): 1790
Additional Information
Item Availability
Not currently in stock, but please contact us to inquire about availability.