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Domestic Softwood Cedar, Aromatic Red
Latin Name: Juniperus virginiana
Family: Cupressaceae - the Cypress family
Other Common Name(s): Aromatic Redcedar, Eastern Juniper, Eastern Redcedar, Juniper, Pencil Cedar, Redcedar, Red Juniper, Savin, Virginia Juniper, Virginia Pencil Cedar
Domestic Softwood
Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior Use Only
Interior Trim, Millwork, Mouldings, Novelties, Pencils, Toys
Redcedar grows in the eastern half of both Canada and the United States. It grows as far south as northern Florida. It is absent in the Gulf Coast and in the highest elevations of the Appalachians. The tree grows in many conditions from wet to dry. Often they an be found growing along highways, fence rows, and in abandon fields. This is likely due the fact the berries that the tree produced are loved by birds, which then deposit the seeds elsewhere.
General Description: The sapwood is often very narrow is white to a pale cream color. By contrast the heartwood which often contains many small knots is a reddish purple color. The wood is usually straight grained with a fine even texture. The wood is highly aromatic, and may have an oily feel.
Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):
Working Properties
Machining: Good
Nailing: Good
Glueing: Poor
Screwing: Good
Finishing: Good
Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 2.835
Specific Gravity: 0.44-0.47
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 7,000-8,800
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 650-880
Side Hardness (lbs): 900
Additional Information
For many years this woods primary use was pencils. Because of overharvesting and the fact the tree is very slow growing the lumber available is usually short and narrow. Sapwood, voids, and live edge are not considered a defects in this species.
Item Availability
#1 Com & Btr