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Domestic Softwood Cypress
Latin Name: Taxodium distichum
Family: Taxodiaceae - the Redwood or Baldcypress family
Other Common Name(s): Baldcypress, Bald Cypress, Black Cypress, Buck Cypress, Cow Cypress, Gulf Cypress, Louisiana Red Cypress, Pecky Cypress, Pond Cypress, Red Cypress, Southern Cypress, Swamp Cypress, White Cypress, Yellow Cypress
Domestic Softwood
Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior and Exterior
Beams, Doors, Exterior Trim, Millwork, Moulding, Posts, Siding
Baldcypress grows in southeastern United States, as far west as southeastern Texas. It prefers to grow in wet or swampy areas that are partially submerged for at least part of the year. It is most common for Baldcypress to grow in pure stand, but it does also grow with other hardwoods that thrive in the same wet conditions.
General Description: The sapwood is pale yellowish-white that merges gradually with the heartwood, which is a darker brown, sometimes with a reddish tint. The grain is straight, but can vary from even to uneven with a coarse texture.
Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):
Working Properties
Machining: Good
Nailing: Good
Gluing: Good
Screwing: Good
Finishing: Good
Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 2.667
Specific Gravity: 0.42-0.50
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 6,600-10,500
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 1,180-1,335
Side Hardness (lbs): 510
Additional Information
Pecky Cypress is the same species as Baldcypress. The "Pecky" figure (texture) is caused by the wood being attacked by a fungus while it is growing. Trees that yield "Pecky" lumber do not typically exhibit any signs of the "Pecky" figure as a standing tree.
Cypress are deciduous conifers that look like a standard evergreen tree during the summer but shed their needle-like leaves during the winter. Cypress lumber is considered very durable and water- and rot-resistant, making it a popular choice for outdoor furniture, decking, siding and roofing.
Item Availability
4/4 Sel & Btr Rough Dimensional
4/4 #2 Com Rough Dimensional
4/4 Pecky / Rustic Dimensional
5/4 Sel & Btr Rough Dimensional
5/4 #2 Com Rough Dimensional
8/4 Sel & Btr
8/4 Sel & Btr Rough Dimensional
8/4 #2Com Rough Dimensional
8/4 Pecky / Rustic