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Imported Hardwood Kempas

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Latin Name: Koompassia malaccensis

Family: Fabaceae or Leguminosae - the Legume family

Other Common Name(s): Impas, Mengris, Thongbueng, Tualang

Imported Hardwood

Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior and Exterior

Cabinets, Exterior Trim, Flooring, Furniture, Millwork, Mouldings

Kempas grows in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. It grows throughout lowland forests in rather swampy areas, and also along hillsides.

General Description: The wide sapwood which white or a pale yellow in color is easy to distinguish from the pink to brick red heartwood. The heartwood turns a dark reddish-brown with yellow lines or streaks. Upon a quick glance you may think the wood is a type of Palm. The grain is interlocked, and sometimes spiral or wavy. The texture is rather coarse but even.

Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):

Working Properties
Machining: Poor
Nailing: Fair
Glueing: Good
Screwing: Fair
Finishing: Fair

Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 4.75
Specific Gravity: 0.71-0.84
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 14,530-17,680
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 2,410-2,690
Side Hardness (lbs): 1710

Additional Information
The wood can be hard to work due to hardness and the fibrous grain structure. Pre-boring for nails, especially near the edges, is required to prevent splitting.

Item Availability
Not currently in stock, but please contact us to inquire about availability.

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    Not currently in stock, but please contact us to inquire about availability.

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