Oak, Red

Oak, Red-image

Domestic Hardwood Oak, Red

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FSC Available

Latin Name: Quercus rubra

Family: Fagaceae - the Beech family

Other Common Name(s): American Red Oak, Eastern Red Oak, Canadian Red Oak, Chen Rouge, Gray Oak, Mountain Red Oak, Northern Red Oak, Oak, Red Oak, Wormy Red Oak

Domestic Hardwood

Suitable for Exterior/Interior Use
Interior Use Only

Cabinets, Flooring, Interior Trim, Millwork, Moulding

Red Oak grows in the eastern half of the United States as far south as Alabama, and as far north as southern Quebec. This tree usually grows in pure stands and likes moist loamy, sandy, to gravely soil.

General Description: The heartwood is a light reddish-tan, and the color varies based upon growing location. The sapwood in paler in color, and may have a gray tint. Like many oaks the ray structure is prominent. The rays of Red Oak are generally smaller, narrower, and darker in color then those of White Oak. Quarter sawn Red Oak has a pleasant ray fleck, which is less pronounced then that of White Oak. The grain is usually straight and open, with a medium to coarse texture depending on where it grew.

Price Range ($ least expensive, $$$$$ most expensive):

Working Properties
Machining: Good
Nailing: Fair
Glueing: Good
Screwing: Good
Finishing: Excellent

Physical Properties
Weight (lbs/BF): 3.583
Specific Gravity: 0.57-0.64
Modulus of Rupture (psi): 8,750-14,050
Modulus of Elasticity (1,000 psi): 1,440-1,755
Side Hardness (lbs): 1290

Additional Information

Item Availability
4/4 Sel & Btr Rift
4/4 #1 Com
4/4 #2 Com
4/4 Rustic
4/4 Wormy
5/4 FAS
5/4 FAS Northern
5/4 Sel & Btr Quartered
5/4 Sel & Btr Rift
5/4 FAS Nominal Dimension
5/4 #1 Com
5/4 #2 Com
6/4 FAS
6/4 #1 Com
6/4 Sel & Btr Quartered
6/4 Sel & Btr Rift
7/4 FAS
8/4 FAS
8/4 FAS Northern
8/4 Sel & Btr Quartered
8/4 Sel & Btr Rift
8/4 #1Com
10/4 FAS
12/4 FAS

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