CAD Drawings & Custom Profiles

CAD, Computer Aided Design, is an integral part of our millwork business. In order to accurately produce and reproduce intricate custom profiles, we use CAD Drawings to relay information between our automated equipment.

Over 30,000Moulding Profiles

Rex Lumber Company has a library of over 30,000 CAD drawings of moulding profiles created over the years. A selection of CAD drawings from our profile library was used to create the Rex Moulding Catalog, which is available in print form, as a downloadable PDF, or searchable online. If you do not find a moulding to meet your needs, then let us help design one for you or match any profile you may already have.

Can Duplicate Almost Any Profile

In addition to our standard or stock tooling we regularly are called upon to create custom tooling or duplicate existing mouldings. We can duplicate almost any moulding. While architects’ drawings or CAD prints are the easiest to duplicate, we can also duplicate moldings from tracings or samples of existing mouldings. Over the years we have seen samples in almost any and every condition possible, from 1/2” wafers to 200Lb slabs of built up plaster cornice mouldings.

New – Custom – Or Matching Profiles – No Problem!

Each time a new moulding profile is created, a full-scale CAD drawing is created to show all the details, including the angles, dimensions, radii etc. The CAD drawing is then emailed to the customer to ensure all details and dimensions are correct and to approve the print for production. When possible we prefer not to fax CAD drawings for approval because they can become distorted. Once approved, the profile is broken into pieces in CAD, and each of these pieces then becomes a template, which ultimately becomes the custom knives to make the profile. Depending on how intricate the profile, anywhere from one to six sets of custom knives maybe required. The templates, which are plastic, are made by sending the CAD drawing for each section electronically to an automated CNC router that cuts out the template. One template is required for each set of knives to be produced.

The CuttingProcess

High speed steel is generally used to make the knives for each section of the moulding. When milling PVC, MDF, and species that are very hard or abrasive, carbide steel can be used. CAD drawings of the profile sections are transferred to a water jet saw, where a pair of steel knives is then cut to match the CAD drawing of the template. A minimum of two identical knives are required for each template. Sometimes 3 or more knives are used in each head. The steel knives are assembled into cutter heads and set up in a grinder with the templates. The grinder follows the contours of the template to put a sharp edge on each knife.

Once the entire set of tools is ready, it is set up in one of the moulders and a test piece is run to check the profile against the approved CAD and any samples submitted as to ensure accuracy of dimensions and profile. After the profile has been run, we keep the CAD drawing of the whole part, as well as the individual CAD drawings of the template(s), the plastic template(s), the moulder knives for each section, and a sample piece of the finished moulding. All are cataloged by customer and kept for future use.

In addition to individual profiles, let us help you design your own moulding catalog of stock and custom profiles to meet your clientele’s needs. Contact us today to get started!

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